Spiritual Guidance


"Good morning Holy Spirit, please lead me in Father's will and purposes for my life, lead me in His truth and righteousness, walking in His ways, not my own, in His love and compassion toward myself and toward others. In humility, surrendering every area of my life to Him. To be united in the Spirit in a bond of peace with other children of God and have the victory and triumph over the wiles and devices of the enemy every day! Help me to resist his temptations and enticements to do wrong, choosing to do what is right and he will flee! Empower me to overcome, to persevere and stay the course, walking the steps God has ordered for me to walk, doing the good works He prepared beforehand I should do, with no distractions or excuses to deter me! To lean not upon my own understanding about what is happening in the world around me or in my life but trust in my Lord with all my heart, knowing He will work all things together for my good. He is my refuge and fortress, whom I trust and is my hope!

I want a relationship with You Holy Spirit, help me to be sensitive to Your voice, however way You speak to me personally, to yield and be obedient to Your leading and guidance, to Your conviction and unction. To stay in the spirit led by You and not fulfil the desires of my flesh. Help me to walk in Your facets Holy Spirit, in Your wisdom, understanding, knowledge, in Your counsel, to walk in the power of Your might, not in my strength, in the fear of the Lord. To walk in Your discernment, perceiving what is of You and what is not. For Your fruits to be evident in my life, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. To walk in the full freedom I have in my Lord, free from any bondage or restraints of the enemy! To know truth from error! To know right from wrong! To know the heart of my Father and live it through You Holy Spirit!

I will trust, lean and rely on You Holy Spirit, You are my Helper and Teacher, the Spirit of my Lord, I will rest in what You can do in my life and through my life as I keep surrendering to Your leading and guidance. I choose to only receive from You and resist any counterfeit or false christ of the enemy! I choose to be blind and deaf to what the enemy would want me to see or hear, my spiritual senses yielded to You only Holy Spirit! To be discerning, knowing Your voice and only be led by You!

I yield my heart and my heart intentions, my emotions, my mind and all thoughts, the words I would speak or write, my behavior, my body, my health, my loved ones, everything under my stewardship, the call of God on my life, everything pertaining to my life to You Holy Spirit. Please help me to do this every day. To be conscious of You throughout my day, yielding to You. I only want God's will and purposes being made manifest in and through my life to His glory, for His kingdom! Help me to keep laying down my life down to Him and live for Lord Jesus! Loving Him with all my heart, soul and strength, loving myself and others as He loves them. Thank You Holy Spirit. Have Your way! I yield all to You!"

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”