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Welcome to Stay Free DELIVERANCE!

Deliverance is the children's bread. (Matthew 15:26-28)

My name is Angie Maris. I was set free from being bed bound and ill for many years through self-deliverance with Holy Spirit! I found out it was demons (realms of darkness/evil spirits) causing the sicknesses and once the demons were cast out, healing could manifest in my body! I was set free from Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, chronic allergies, migraines, high blood pressure, insomnia, sensitivity to light and sound, depression, fear, anxiety and more! Our Lord then led my family through an in depth and lengthy deliverance time. (Deliverance is not just the casting out of demons but learning the truth and remaining free by the continual infilling of the truth by the Spirit.)

My husband, Henry Maris and I were led to start helping people online around the world who were bound by demons to be set free and our Lord's deliverance ministry was birthed!


Lord Jesus came to set free those who were bound! (Isaiah 61:1)

He gave us the authority over the realms of darkness! (Luke 10:19)

In the years we have been doing online deliverance for those around the world and hands on deliverance here in Queensland, Australia, we have learnt about Alters (An alternative personality when a child endures extreme or ongoing trauma/abuse/neglect), Inherited Soul Fragments (The soul fragment of an ancestor passed down the bloodline), Soul Fragments (Soul fragment transferred from another person), Fragmented Souls (Soul fragmentation due to trauma/abuse/pain/extreme stress, satanic rituals etc..), Demonic Soul Copies (Demonic copies of a person's soul by demons), DIDS (Dissociate Identity Disorder), Demonic Transference (Demons transferring to a person) and Demonic Networking (Demons sending and receiving to each other). We have learnt about SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse/Programming).

Lord Jesus delivers, sets free, heals and restores! Amen!

We have gained insight and understanding how the realms of darkness can try to operate in and against a person. We have seen Holy Spirit move and set many people free! He is the Spirit of the Lord! And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! Freedom from bondage! Hallelujah! (2 Corinthians 3:17)

Deliverance is a Holy Spirit ministry.

We share self-deliverance prayers you can speak for yourself, your spouse, children and grandchildren, your bloodline!

Prayers to repent and renounce on behalf of your parents and ancestors, breaking generational curses and curses in your lifetime and from all future generations!

Prayers to teach you how to take authority over the realms of darkness that may be with you or influencing a person to come against you.

How to sever ungodly soul ties and demonic bonds, how to cancel dreams not of God, how to cancel witchcraft and soulish prayers, to take spiritual ownership of your home, how to anoint your house with oil and much more!

The prayers are anointed and powerful! They are effective, destroying the works of the enemy! They will teach you to stand strong in the authority Lord Jesus has given all those who believe! (Luke 10:19) In the power of His might! (Ephesians 6:10)

We encourage all to live a life consecrated unto our Lord, being led by His Spirit, set apart for His will and purposes. Daily seeking Him in prayer, waiting on Him in the secret place, reading and learning the Word of God daily, asking Holy Spirit to give you understanding and live what you learn, prayer and fasting as the Spirit leads, taking communion in your home, a life of worship that is pleasing in His sight. Learning to walk by the Spirit. Being Spiritual minded. Having fellowship with other Believers. Continual sanctification by the Spirit as you keep surrendering every area of your life to His leading and guidance. A life laid down. Father's will be done.

A person can be set free from demonic influence but then needs to 'stay free' by the continual learning of the truth found in God's Word.

Deliverance is not just the casting out of a demonic spirit and power but discipleship, learning and growing in the Truth. The truth sets us free and enables us to stay free! (John 8:32 John 8:36) Our Lord says His people perish through lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) so we keep learning and growing in Him! In Christ! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! (John 14:6)

As sons and daughters of God, we are to be led by the Spirit. (Romans 8:14) No longer conformed to the world but transformed by the renewing of our mind. Keeping our mind stayed on things above and not on the things on earth. (Colossians 3:2 Romans 12:2)

See my YouTube playlist and learn to walk in the Spirit


See the Good Morning Holy Spirit prayer under 'Spiritual Guidance Payers' and learn how He speaks to you personally and yield your life to His leading and guidance. He is your Helper, Counsellor, Comforter and Teacher, the Anointing who abides within you, who wants to have a relationship with you! He is the Spirit of Christ! Who is within all those who Believe. (1 John 4:4 John 14:26) He will lead you in truth and in righteousness. As you continually yield your life to Him, He will do the good work in you, sanctifying you with the truth. (John 17:17 Ephesians 2:10)

We give Lord Jesus the praise! It's all because of Him! Please live your life for Him. (Galatians 2:20) He laid down His life for you! His love for you is everlasting and nothing can separate you from His love! (Romans 8:38-39)

Through Lord Jesus, who died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins and was raised three days later, when you received Him into your life, you were reconciled back to the Father (God), who brought you forth into this world, for such a time as this! You are His beloved child! He has been drawing you to Him! (Jeremiah 31:3)

If you haven't said yes to Lord Jesus yet, receiving Him into your life. You can make that heart decision right now! Speak this salvation prayer from your heart to the Father who brought you forth into this world. He formed you in your mother's womb, fearfully and wonderfully made, wanted, chosen, accepted, whose thoughts towards you are of good, of a future and a hope. (Psalm 139:1-18 Jeremiah 29:11)

"Heavenly Father, I believe Your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins and You raised Him three days later. I confess Jesus as my Lord. I receive Your forgiveness and the finished work of the cross and resurrection life. Send Your Spirit to sanctify me and help live a life laid down to You, as Your beloved child. I receive Your gift of salvation! Help me walk out my salvation, yielded to Your Spirit, all the days of my life until Jesus comes to take me to be with You! Teach me Your truth and set me free from all that is not of You. Thank You Father. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Romans 10:9-10
"..if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

In the near future, I will include prayers for fragmented souls and inner healing and add a list of demonic groupings. I will keep updating this web page as our Lord leads. All to His glory! Amen!

God bless you!

Angie and Henry Maris
Bondservants of Christ
Father's Ministry

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”