Rejection is an emotional wounding of the heart which is an open door for a demon of rejection and other demons to try and enter the heart of that person if it is not laid down to Lord Jesus in prayer and forgiving the person so Jesus can heal the heart.
Rejection - The person feels rejected, not accepted, not wanted, not believed, not chosen, not understood, dismissed, rejected, refused, discarded, used. The demon of rejection will cause people to reject that person and make the person believe that God has rejected them and they are not loved and accepted like everyone else.
Perceived rejection - The person feels they have been rejected by someone/by others but wasn't. Self- rejection – The person rejects themselves. Not good enough to be loved and accepted by others or by God.
Fear of rejection – The person fears being rejected, so rejects others first to prevent being hurt or refused.
The demon of rejection can enter a person's life when a baby in the womb through a generational curse of rejection passed down the bloodline from the parents or ancestors. It can enter whilst the baby is in the womb if the baby was not wanted (Either the Mother or Father did not want a baby/wanted a boy or a girl/unwanted/unplanned pregnancy/illegitimacy/rape/incest) As a child when love and acceptance was not displayed or given as the child felt was needed. (Was not shown love or emotional support or was adopted/fostered/left in the care of other people/placed long term in a boarding school, was abused, tormented, mistreated either physically, sexually or emotionally, was isolated as being different, was bullied as a child or when adults disregarded their attempts for love and acceptance) As an adult when the person perceived rejection or was rejected by someone they had an emotional bond with or someone they respected, was not invited to social gatherings, excluded from family affairs. (Or didn't get the recognition they felt they should have received at a work place/by a person, were rejected by friends, family members, through marriage separation/divorce, affections not returned, broken engagement etc..).
A curse of rejection can be activated in a person's lifetime due to continual rejection experienced.
Every person has been given by the Father a deep desire within their heart to be loved and accepted, which can only be found in the receiving and acceptance of His love for us all! Through Lord Jesus, we have been reconciled to the Father, free to receive His love and be loved by Him! We love Him because He first loved us. When this desire for love and acceptance is not met, it can cause a person to go looking for the love and acceptance they desire and feel they need, either through being overly affectionate with animals, seeking their love or sought through people. Satan will try to meet that need by providing a counterfeit love and acceptance through the things of the world (Materialism/New Age) and through man.
Other demons can try to use the heart wound of rejection if it is not addressed. Lust, fantasy, perversion, insecurity, inferiority, pride, vanity, ego, self-accusation (Causes a person to blame themselves for being rejected), depression, perfectionism (This can lead to eating disorders, OCD, religious behaviour, rigid behaviour), unfairness (Makes the person feel the world as a whole is unfair and become overly involved in environmental/animal/human rights to make a difference but in their strength), guilt, shame, confusion, embarrassment, unworthiness, sensitivity (Causes a person to be too sensitive, easily offended), fear, fear of abandonment, abandonment, orphan spirit, fear of failure, fear of dying, fear of witchcraft, fear of germs, fear of getting sick, fear of authority, nervousness, paranoia, suspicion, indecision, procrastination, compromise, forgetfulness, passivity (Causes a person to withdraw and be lethargic, easily controlled), sadness, crying etc..
The heart wound of rejection can lead to the demon of double-mindedness (James 1:7-8). Double-mindedness is also known as schizophrenia (Unfortunately, a very common demon found during deliverance) this demon causes a person to be indecisive, inconsistent, unpredictable, to procrastinate, doubt, lack of emotional control, have trouble making decisions, always changing their mind, not stable in their thoughts or emotions. With the demon of double-mindedness other demons can come, insanity, madness, delusions, mental illness, mental breakdown etc.. Double-mindedness influences the person's mind, emotions and will. It can work with the demon of mind control, which also influences the mind, emotions and will of a person. The heart wound of rejection can also lead to the demon of rebellion, which brings more demons with it too. Stubbornness (Unable to receive instruction or correction, always thinks itself right, rebels against authority) delusion, selfishness, witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23), control, manipulation, intimidation, possessiveness, bitterness, root of bitterness, unforgiveness, rage, anger, violence, revenge, retaliation, strife, arguing, quarrelsome and so on.
Rejection is a big issue if not addressed because it can affect every area of a person's life. If a curse of rejection is active in a person's life, the person will be rejected continually, no matter where they move to in the world or with what group of people they may try to associate with, sooner or later they will find themselves rejected through no fault of their own. People don't even know themselves as to why they reject the person, it is the curse of rejection in operation. It needs to be broken from the person and their bloodline.
As much as a person might try to medicate the issues of insecurity, anger, depression, schizophrenia, OCD, eating disorders etc... it doesn't go away. The only way to move forward from the influence of the demons of rejection and the demons that can come because of rejection, is through deliverance, the demons need to be cast out and most importantly, to receive the love and acceptance of the Father. Then the person is free to learn a new way of thinking and break the cycle of negative thoughts and moods! To learn the truth and the truth set them free! (John 8:32) To be transformed by the renewing of their mind by the truth, the Word of God through the Spirit who brings it to life! Amen! (Romans 12:2) To learn their true identity in Christ! Knowing they are loved and accepted!
Jesus was rejected but did not take it to heart. He was rejected by the Pharisees, the scribes and the priests. He was despised and rejected by man (Isaiah 53:3) He was rejected by the Father when He took our sins upon Himself on the cross (Matthew 27:46). Jesus disarmed principalities and the powers of the enemy! (Colossians 2:15) We have been given the authority by Lord Jesus to trample on snakes and scorpion, over all the power of the enemy! (Luke 10:19) We are accepted in the beloved, chosen by God! Hallelujah! Chosen before the foundation of the world, predestined to be His child! (Ephesians 1:4-6) In Christ, we are complete, lacking nothing! (Colossians 2:10) God loved us so much, that whilst we were still sinners, He gave His only begotten Son to die so we can have life eternal! (Romans 5:8 Romans 10:9-10 John 3:16) It is done! By His wounds we have received healing! (Isaiah 53:5) Everything we need for full healing, restoration, wholeness and freedom is found through Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! We give Him the praise! We are LOVED AND ACCEPTED! APPROVED BY GOD! We no longer need the approval of man, we have HIS! Our confidence and assurance is in HIM! Amen!
Deliverance is ongoing, (Exodus 23:29-30) just as sanctification is ongoing throughout a Believer's life as the person keeps surrendering every area of their life to the ministrations of Holy Spirit. (To His leading and guidance) (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
There can be strongholds of rejection, rebellion and double-mindedness, which takes time to be dismantled as Holy Spirit brings more truth and the person's mind is being renewed by living word of God. (Romans 12:2) Holy Spirit does the work in our heart and lives (We are His workmanship. Ephesians 2:10) as we choose to stay committed to being set free, laying down our life and living for Lord Jesus, yielding our heart and life daily to His Spirit who lives within us. (1 John 4:4) Giving Him the freedom to move and bring healing and freedom! Drawing closer to the heart of the Father, having a relationship with Him. Waiting on Him each day in the secret place to hear His heart. (Psalm 91) Amen! A life of peace, joy, love and life! Led by His Spirit! (Romans 8:14)
This first prayer is a self-deliverance prayer to break the generational curse of rejection. It will break the curse of rejection from your bloodline and from all future generations. Demons will be leaving you, they can leave as a cough, burp, yawn, sigh, vomit, eyes watered, nose dribbled, sneeze, felt momentarily light- headed/dizzy, lighter in your spirit, a heaviness lift. Some feel nothing when a demon leaves.
Speak the prayer in the authority our Lord Jesus has given you over the realms of darkness. (Luke 10:19) Demons are subject to ever Believer and must obey.
NOTE: It is optional to add your spouse, children or grandchildren in this prayer, the curses will be broken off from them if you do.
NOTE: For those who had been fostered, adopted or had someone who had parental care over you for a length of time, had step parents or mother and father in laws, add what is appropriate to you in the brackets.
In the name of Jesus, I break every generational curse of rejection that has ever come upon me from my parents and ancestors (From my foster parents/parents who adopted me/those who had parental care of me/step parents/father and mother in-law and their ancestors)! Broken off from me (My Wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) my bloodline and all future generations! In Jesus name! I break your assignments against me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc.,) and my bloodline! In Jesus name! I break every agreement I ever made with the realms of darkness that came because of the generational curse of rejection! In Jesus name!
I command every demonic spirit and power that came because of the generational curses of rejection to leave me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) and my bloodline in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!
I command every demonic spirit and power attached to the assignments of the generational curse of rejection to leave me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) and my bloodline in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!
I command every demonic spirit and power that came because of the agreements I made with the demon of rejection and the demons that work with it, to leave me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!"
Ask Holy Spirit to fill you fresh to overflow.
"Holy Spirit, please fill me fresh to overflow. Thank You Holy Spirit." (Wait a moment as He does that)
These next prayers are self-deliverance prayers to sever ungodly soul ties and demonic bonds, to break the curse of rejection that came in your lifetime and cause the demons of rejection and all demons that came because of rejection, to leave you.
"In obedience to the Word of God, I choose to forgive every person whom I felt rejected me in my lifetime, whether intentionally or unintentionally. In Jesus name. (Ask Holy Spirit to bring whom you need to forgive to your mind. Speak the person's name out loud. Could be a person/parents/siblings/friends/pastor/leadership/church/establishment/country) I forgive every person and release them into Your hands Lord Jesus. Thank You for healing my heart. I receive Your healing.
I sever myself from every ungodly soul tie and every demonic bond to every person whom I just forgave! (Speak their names) In Jesus name! Any agreements I made with the realms of darkness with that person or with the words they spoke about me or towards me, I break those agreements! In Jesus name!
I command every demonic spirit and power that came through an ungodly soul tie and demonic bond from those whom I have forgiven, to leave me now! I command you to leave me in all your entirety and go straight to the abyss and into it! OUT! In Jesus name! Whatever demonic spirit and power that came when I agreed with the realms of darkness or with the words they spoke about me or towards me, I command you to leave me now in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!"
Ask Holy Spirit to fill you fresh to overflow.
"Holy Spirit, please fill me fresh to overflow. Thank You Holy Spirit." (Wait a moment as He does that)
“In the name of Jesus, I renounce and break agreements with every demon of rejection, including the demons of perceived rejection, self-rejection and fear of rejection and every demonic spirit and power that came because rejection! I renounce your works and break your assignments against me! In Jesus name! I renounce and break agreements with every demon of rebellion and every demonic spirit and power that came because of rebellion! In Jesus name! I renounce your works and break your assignments against me! In Jesus name! I break every curse of witchcraft that came because of rebellion in my lifetime! Off from me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) my bloodline and all future generations! In Jesus name! I break your assignments against me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) and my bloodline! In Jesus name! I renounce and break agreements with every demon of double-mindedness and every demonic spirit and power that came because of double-mindedness, that includes mind-control! In Jesus name! I renounce your works and break your assignments against me! In Jesus name! I break the curse of rejection that came in my lifetime no matter the source! Off from me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..), my bloodline and all future generations! In Jesus name! I break your assignments against me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) and my bloodline! In Jesus name!
I command every demonic spirit and power that came because of the heart wound of rejection, whenever I was rejected or when I perceived rejection in my lifetime, including perceived rejection, self-rejection and fear of rejection to leave me now in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!
I command every demon of rebellion and the demons that came with it, to leave me now in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!
I command every demon of double-mindedness and the demons that came with it, to leave me now in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!
I command every demon that came due to the curse of rejection in my lifetime no matter the source, to leave me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) now in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!
I command every demon attached to the witchcraft curse, to leave me (My wife/husband/children/grandchildren etc..) now in all your entirety! OUT! In Jesus name!
I release the fire of God on every demonic spirit and power mentioned in these prayers and the demons that came because of them! In Jesus name! It will stay on you until you leave in all your entirety! COME OUT! Go straight to the abyss and into it from where you cannot return! In Jesus name!
Lord Jesus, I ask for You to please heal my heart every time it was wounded when I felt rejected or perceived I was rejected or when I rejected myself in my lifetime. Please restore my soul every time it was fragmented due to the wounds of rejection and the works of the demons of double-mindedness and the demons that came because of them. In You I have a sound mind, I am complete, lacking nothing. I receive my healing, I receive the freedom You purchased for me on the cross, I receive deliverance from all the realms of darkness and choose to live my life for You! Thank You Jesus for bringing me life and life more abundantly! You came to set the captives free and those oppressed by the enemy! To break the chains of darkness! To heal every wound! To heal the brokenhearted! In You I trust and You are my Hope! Thank You for loving and accepting me! I am accepted in the beloved! I am loved with an everlasting love! Nothing can separate me from Your love! In Your glorious name I pray. Amen.
Holy Spirit, please keep revealing truth to me and dismantle every stronghold due to rejection, rebellion or double-mindedness and the demons that came because of them. Reveal any wrong mindsets and perceptions about myself and others, the truth setting me free. I give You permission to move and have Your way in my heart, will, emotions, mind, subconsciousness, consciousness, memories and in every area of my life. Help me to continually yield all to You. Thank You Holy Spirit. Have Your way!
Holy Spirit, please fill me fresh to overflow. Thank You Holy Spirit."
Give Lord Jesus the praise! Whom the Son sets free, shall be free indeed! (John 8:36) You will know the truth and the truth will set you free! (John 8:32) Meaning of rejection: Act of feeling not accepted, not wanted, not believed, not chosen, not understood, dismissed, rejected, refused, discarded, used.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”