When a person has experienced rejection or perceived they were rejected, they can believe the lies they heard about themselves (Words spoken by others/thoughts they heard) and start rejecting 'self' which opens the door to the demon of Self Rejection. They have made an agreement within their heart with the lies they heard, now believing they are not good enough in some way to be accepted as they are and if they change the way they speak or behave, they will be deemed worthy enough to be loved and accepted.
A demonic stronghold of 'self rejection' has begun to form in their mind due to the belief of their heart they are not good enough in some way, thus the rejection of self. Which leads to self hatred. A denial of self. All directed against self. Those who live with such a stronghold, learn to live a facade, an altered reality, given to false personalities, in accordance to their belief at that time, how they should behave and speak to be liked and accepted by others. They watch other people who appear to be well liked and accepted, how they speak and behave and alter their lives to suit the requirement to be accepted, mimicking those people. Speaking, behaving, even dressing as they do, so they are liked and deemed 'acceptable' too. Their identity being lost in their wanting to be loved and accepted, changing who they are to reach that goal, whether they do this knowingly or unknowingly. Eventually not even knowing who they are anymore, not having an identity of their own. 'Who am I?'
They have no identity in self which has been rejected, instead have become accustomed to mimicking another person, following a trend or an idea/fantasy how they need to behave and live. Now having a need to be in control of their world and those who come into their world, to fit their criteria, their current belief about 'self'.
Their acceptance and love, their stability and soundness of mind (Control), is not found in another person, not found in a trend or an idea/fantasy, it is only found in Lord Jesus Christ. They need the truth within their heart, a revelation given by the Spirit, of their true identity which is only found in Christ, as the beloved child of God they are in Him. (Ephesians 1:5 John 1:12-13) To release the control over to Lord Jesus so He can minister to their heart, healing and restoring, renewing their mind, to be whom He brought them forth to truly be. (Romans 12:2) That Christ would dwell in their heart through faith (Ephesians 3:16-19), their confidence and assurance being in Him, not in self, not if they are liked or accepted by others. Knowing, receiving and living the truth found in the scriptures, that they are wanted, chosen, loved and accepted by the Father, through His Son, a precious beloved child in His sight!
Their identity being found in the Word of God, by the Spirit who reveals the truth within their heart, who they are in Christ, being a beloved child of God, of great worth, brought forth into this world with a purpose and meaning! Not a mistake. Not an accident. A chosen child of God for His purposes! (Psalm 139:1-18)
The demonic 'self rejection stronghold' can cause a person to open the door to the demon of Double-Mindedness and it's lies and suggestions. Double-mindedness is also known as schizophrenia (Split personality), thus the altered reality and the changing of personalities within the person. Double-mindedness can manifest at times in a person's life but it doesn't overly affect their life or is apparent to others (mild) but it can become apparent (severe) in another person's life which does effect their life. It depends on the person's predisposed disposition to listen and believe all thoughts or words heard, reacting and being moved by their feelings and emotions. Some are more responsive, whilst others are not.
The demon of double-mindedness causes a person to feel unsure about oneself, unstable mentality, doubting self, doubting they got it right, doubting they are loved or accepted, doubting their worth, second guessing their decisions, causes confusion, lack of emotional control, are unpredictable (Outbursts of anger/tearful/not comprehending/impulsive behavior/not thinking things through/reacting rather than responding), have trouble making decisions, always changing their mind, not stable in their thoughts or in their emotions. Always wanting reassurance and stability because they are not assured or stable in their ways.
James 1:6-8
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
They have become unsure of themselves, not trusting self, not stable in their ways, divided, confused, easily persuaded and coaxed to go the wrong way (Narcissistic abuse. Follow a cult. Satanism. Witchcraft. New Age. Join a cause to 'belong'). Questioning themselves, always unsure if they did the right thing, behaved right, spoke right, always concerned people see them in the 'right light'.
The demonic 'self rejection stronghold' when internalized, is projected onto the person, manifesting as insecurity, inadequacy, feeling insufficient, not capable, a continual looking to self, whether the person realizes it or not. Their behavior becomes performance motivated and the resulting emotions depending on how they perceived they performed. Always comparing themselves to others. Wondering how they look to others, are they good enough? Blaming themselves for being rejected. (Self-accusation demon) Putting themselves down in their thoughts and by the words they speak. (Self criticism) Having lack of self worth, don't believe themselves to be as good as others. Therefore accept bad behaviour from others, not being good enough to be treated with love and respect. Easier to accept unfounded bad behaviour as their 'lot' in life. Even blaming themselves for such treatment.
When externalized, the 'self rejection stronghold' is projected onto others, manifesting as rebellion, fear of man, fear of authority, mistrust of man, stubborn, self-willed, not teachable, argumentative, fearful of commitment, do not honor those in authority or those they deem 'not for them'. Self Rejection being a ruling demon, causes the person to look to self and this opens the door to the demons of Inadequacy and Insecurity which reinforce the lies of self rejection. This results in an inferiority complex about self. A stronghold of self rejection has been established.
Inadequacy - The person feels they are not good enough. Anxious about their performance. Feel they are a failure. Find it hard to accept or trust someone who gives love or acceptance. Find it hard to receive compliments or praise. Overly sensitive. Sensitive to what people say about them. Sensitive to criticism. Perceive people are being critical of them when they are not.
Insecurity – The person experiences lack of confidence, lack of self esteem, lack of self worth, negative about self (How they look and appear to others. Critical of self), think the worst about self, overly concerned how people see them, unsure about the decisions they make. Seek validation from others or self validate their behavior and feelings. Comparing themselves to others.
The person living with an established demonic 'Self Rejection Stronghold' may over compensate how they feel about themselves by helping others more than they should, even putting themselves in harms way to 'help', loving others but are not loved back, blame themselves if something goes wrong, receiving the blame as their fault, help people but then resent them, go out of their way for others, all to make themselves feel better about self. 'I am a good person', 'I am nice after all', 'People should like me, look what I do for them', 'Can't they see the effort I am putting in', 'I am going out of my way for them'.
This is all self validation to compensate for the lack of self worth. It is not done in love but from a need to be loved and accepted. If not addressed, the demonic 'stronghold of self rejection' can result in opening the door to the ruling demon of 'depression', which brings despondency, discouragement, hopelessness, suicide and death.
Father, I repent from believing the lies about myself, that I was less than others, deemed not worthy of receiving and being loved and accepted and for trying to be something, I am not. Adjusting my behavior and life to suit what I believed about myself, which was false. Trying to control my life and the lives of others. I repent from my heart. I receive Your forgiveness, Your acceptance, Your love and Your truth. In Jesus name.
Whatever agreements I made in my lifetime, whether knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or subconsciously, no matter from what realm, with the stronghold of self-rejection and the demonic lies and deceptions, with all forms of rejection, abandonment, betrayal, self rejection, self delusion, false realities, double-mindedness, confusion, avoidance issues, self-isolation, pushing people away, lack of self worth, belittling of self, self blame, self condemnation, self judgement, molding myself into the image of someone else, rather than in Lord Jesus, following a cult, a fad, worldly ideologies and beliefs, self medication and self help, I break and renounce those agreements. In Jesus name.
I break and renounce all agreements with depression, despondency, discouragement, hopelessness, suicide and death. In Jesus name. I break and renounce all agreements with the feelings and thoughts (Whether from flesh or demonic) when I believed myself to be inadequate in anyway, with all insecurity, with rebellion and fear of man, with every demonic spirit and power to do with the stronghold of self-rejection. In Jesus name.
I declare my worth and identity is found in Christ alone! I will follow Him, He is my example how to live and behave. In Him I trust and He is my hope. I live my life for Lord Jesus by His grace through faith in Him. His Spirit will reveal the truth to me and the truth will set me totally free from all strongholds and demonic influence! No matter what they are or how long I lived my life with them, He can do all things! I will keep my thoughts, my mind stayed upon Lord Jesus who will heal me and set me free from all lies and deceptions! He will restore my soul! Giving me a sound mind in Him! The Word of God being my foundation upon which I stand and I will not be moved! The truth of the Word of God will sanctify me. I will learn and grow from glory to glory in my Lord who made a better way for me! In the new life I have in Him! Being led by His Spirit! I give Him the praise! In His precious name, Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen.”
Whilst waiting on our Lord during worship, what to share to conclude the truth about the 'self-rejection stronghold', I was given this message by His Spirit.
“They need to know the truth of who they are in Me. I will show them the truth, by My Spirit. This I will do for those who love Me, I will work all things together for their good. (Romans 8:28) No matter what happened to them, I can heal, I can deliver, I can restore. I can bring them out of false realities and into My truth, into Me. They will forget the former and embrace the new in Me. This I will do, if you turn to Me, trusting Me. Though you feel hard-pressed, anxious, unsure, confused, though fear grips your insides, I AM BIGGER THAN IT ALL. Trust Me and I will cause you to be whom I foreknew and brought forth for such a time as this. My thoughts towards you are of love, forgiveness, to heal and restore. To love you and you love Me, for eternity. A relationship with your Father. My child, to know Me, is to know who you are in Me. I am your surety, I am your confidence, I am Whom you need. Hold fast to Me, I won't let you go. For I am with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Your loving Papa
Abba, Father
To hear this message and receive prayer, click on the link to my YouTube channel.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”